Leticia Ernestina Gomez is a multimedia artist, based in Corpus Christi, Tx, whose artwork explores ideas of indigeneity, intimacy, social dynamics and cultural belonging. Gomez’s inspirations and techniques range across the disciplines of drawing, painting, collage, and installation art.
Leticia has received an Associate degree in Art from Del Mar College, a Bachelor of Fine Art in Drawing & Painting from University of North Texas, and a Master’s Degree in Consciousness and Transformative Studies from John F. Kennedy University. Their artwork has been shown in exhibitions at various galleries, cultural venues, and academic institutions.
Gomez’s practice is complex and vibrant; her artwork often has a dimension of social awareness underlying it, bringing into focus issues of identity, the sacred, and self-compassion. In matters of visual form, the use of abstraction, selections of color, and the layering of visual materials transform into metaphors for feelings, relationships, interactions, or conflicts within larger communities. Perhaps due to her research into the evolution of human consciousness, elements of dreaming, fantasy and perception inflect her work. Viewing their drawings and paintings is like peering through a keyhole, and glimpsing a more loving, alternate reality. Gomez often uses strict dualities to organize her compositions – black and white, inside and outside, darkness and lightness, grief and joy. Yet their work always carries an emotional truth that is revealing, engrossing, and healing.